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coconut milk (Page 17)

50+ Healthy Keto Snacks to Help with Ketosis

50+ Healthy Keto Snacks to Help with Ketosis

One of the most satiating diets is the keto diet. Keto-friendly foods are typically so filling that keto dieters end up eating fewer calories — and, in many cases, fewer meals — throughout the day. This allows them to lose weight sustainably. However, just because you are following keto doesn’t mean that you are immune to hunger and afternoon energy crashes. If you’re not prepared, and the convenience of processed, carb-dense snacks beckons you, you may very well find yourself with a mouthful ...

Toffee Nut Cake Donuts

Toffee Nut Cake Donuts

I have been seeing beautiful donut creations all over Instagram lately and it’s been inspiring me to make some ornate donuts that are keto friendly! I am a firm believer that food should look as good as it tastes.  I’ve been on a toffee nut kick so I decided to make a simple vanilla cake donut.  Then I decorated it with sweet and salty toffee nuts, and a healthy dose of low-carb dark chocolate coating. I added a touch of coconut because it’s pretty and it tastes good. It’s a win-win! But the ...

MCT Oil Dosage, Benefits, Risks, and How to Use

MCT Oil Dosage, Benefits, Risks, and How to Use

With their unique health benefits, it's not surprising that medium chain triglycerides (MCTs) have become a staple of many diets. However, as is the case for many other supplements, the increasing popularity of MCTs has given rise to plenty of confusion and misinformation as well. To dispel these myths and uncover the truth about MCTs and MCT oil dosage, we decided to put together a comprehensive guide that will answer your questions, clear up the confusion, and give you some practical ...

Comprehensive Guide to Keto Sweetener Substitutions

Comprehensive Guide to Keto Sweetener Substitutions

The one thing that you may miss the most when you first start the keto diet is the sweets. Fortunately, just because you are cutting out the carbs doesn't mean you have to leave the sweetness behind as well. To satisfy your sweet tooth, all you really need are the right low carb sweeteners — sugar is no longer necessary. Although it is rare to find a keto-friendly sweetener that emulates all of the properties of sugar, there are a handful of low carb sweeteners that you can use to make most ...

The 10 Best Tips for Keto Diet Success

The 10 Best Tips for Keto Diet Success

The ketogenic diet is a diet like no other. It combines the power of calorie restriction with the unique benefits of nutritional ketosis to provide people with an effective way to lose weight and improve overall health. As I look deeper into the keto diet, however, there is a huge discrepancy between what people think they need to do versus what the science says is best for most people. Some common myths like "carbs and insulin are the only reason why we get fat", "you will lose weight as ...

Can I substitute anything for coffee or tea?

Feel free to use any sugar-free hot beverage of your choice or none at all. Some common keto-friendly favorites are bone broth and herbal tea. You can even blend either one up with a keto-friendly sweetener and fats of your choice (e.g., MCTs, coconut oil, butter, and/or heavy cream) if you'd like. If you need a way to get some extra fats in the morning, consider drinking a keto smoothie or milkshake instead: Keto Tropical Smoothie Peanut Butter Caramel Milkshake Blueberry ...

I don’t drink coffee or tea, what can I do?

Drinking coffee or tea is not a requirement of the keto diet. It can provide you with a great way to get some extra fats and energy, but it is not necessary. If you like the idea of getting a fat-filled energy boost in with your morning beverage, consider drinking a keto smoothie or milkshake instead: Keto Tropical Smoothie Peanut Butter Caramel Milkshake Blueberry Banana Bread Smoothie McKeto Strawberry Milkshake Cucumber Spinach Smoothie Blackberry Chocolate ...

Sample Keto Meal Plan

On, you will find an abundance of keto recipes that you will never get tired of. However, it can be overwhelming at first to figure out what you should eat throughout the day. This is why we have created many different free meal plans that you can find throughout our website. For example, here is a week long meal plan for the average keto dieter: One Week Keto Meal Plan Example Monday Breakfast: 1 serving of Bacon Crusted Frittata Muffins Lunch: 1 serving of Spinach ...

The 15 Best Keto Pasta Recipes

The 15 Best Keto Pasta Recipes

Pasta is so versatile that you can have it with almost anything, and it will make the meal better. It's subtle taste and soft texture give it the ability to pair different cuisines from all over the world. But, there is one crucial caveat to mention. The most popular pasta varieties are so carb-dense that they should not be eaten on the low-carb diet and ketogenic diet. However, this doesn't mean that you can't have your favorite pasta recipes when you are cutting carbs. There are plenty ...

​Vegan Keto Porridge

​Vegan Keto Porridge

This recipe for vegan keto breakfast porridge will keep you full all morning long. Stir your favorite toppings into this thick and creamy breakfast option to customize the flavor. The taste and texture is very similar to cream of wheat, and it only takes a few minutes to prepare. I prefer some cinnamon and blueberries, but there are infinite possibilities. Obviously, this recipe is handy for vegans because it works as a great alternative to bacon and eggs. It’s also great for anyone ...