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mug cakes (Page 4)

What is Polyunsaturated Fat? The Truth About This “Healthy” Fat

What is Polyunsaturated Fat? The Truth About This “Healthy” Fat

Most of our fat intake comes from three types of fatty acids: polyunsaturated, monounsaturated, and saturated. Each one has unique properties that interact with our bodies in different ways. Polyunsaturated fats, in particular, sparked the first investigations into how certain fats may be essential for optimal health, growth, and development. This led to the discovery of omega-6s, omega-3s, and what we now know as "essential fatty acids" —  which are all polyunsaturated fats. Despite the ...

The 10 Best Tips for Keto Diet Success

The 10 Best Tips for Keto Diet Success

The ketogenic diet is a diet like no other. It combines the power of calorie restriction with the unique benefits of nutritional ketosis to provide people with an effective way to lose weight and improve overall health. As I look deeper into the keto diet, however, there is a huge discrepancy between what people think they need to do versus what the science says is best for most people. Some common myths like "carbs and insulin are the only reason why we get fat", "you will lose weight as ...

Sample Keto Meal Plan

On, you will find an abundance of keto recipes that you will never get tired of. However, it can be overwhelming at first to figure out what you should eat throughout the day. This is why we have created many different free meal plans that you can find throughout our website. For example, here is a week long meal plan for the average keto dieter: One Week Keto Meal Plan Example Monday Breakfast: 1 serving of Bacon Crusted Frittata Muffins Lunch: 1 serving of Spinach ...

Comprehensive Guide To The Vegetarian Ketogenic Diet

Comprehensive Guide To The Vegetarian Ketogenic Diet

The vegetarian diet is commonly regarded as one of the healthiest diets for humanity. Many studies have found that vegetarian diets are associated with a lower rate of heart disease and diabetes and may improve health more than the average non-vegetarian diet. However, this doesn’t mean that the vegetarian diet or the vegetarian keto diet is the best diet for everyone’s health. The ketogenic diet, for example, has been found to be more effective than the vegetarian diet for weight loss, ...

A Comprehensive Guide To The Vegan Ketogenic Diet

A Comprehensive Guide To The Vegan Ketogenic Diet

Animal suffering, climate change, and health are three vitally important issues that can all be addressed with one solution — the vegan diet. At least, this is the idea that many health documentaries promote. The truth, however, is much more nuanced. Some may wonder if it is possible to follow a vegan keto diet. The short answer is, yes. From a health perspective, some people have much better health when they go low-carb and eat some animal products, while others feel much better on a ...

25 Keto Recipes for Saint Patrick’s Day

25 Keto Recipes for Saint Patrick’s Day

It seems like everyone celebrates Saint Patrick's Day, whether they are Irish or not.  With all the drinking, dinners, and green tinted sweets floating around it can seem nearly impossible to stick to your plan.  Don't worry, you won't need any luck to keep the holiday keto friendly.  We've rounded up 25 great low-carb recipe ideas for Saint Patrick's Day.  Some of them are more traditional like a roast, Irish soda bread, or colcannon.   Others were picked we thought their vibrant green hues ...

Jacqueline Barrett Lost 62 lbs

Jacqueline Barrett Lost 62 lbs

I wanted to share my story with keto, and using Ruled.Me as a resource. I've found Ruled.Me to be invaluable! It's one of my go to's for recipes because they're always solid. I don't have to worry that I'll get a questionable result. I've always enjoyed cooking and baking and wasn't sure which end was up when transitioning to a ketogenic diet.  There were so many unfamiliar ingredients and I found it overwhelming. I've watched hours, and hours, of America's Test Kitchen and Cook's Country.  Just ...

Best Keto Recipe Roundup of 2014

Best Keto Recipe Roundup of 2014

Phew, what a year it's been! I hope everyone had a great busy holiday season and is starting to wind down again. With over 250 recipes posted by me over the weeks that have gone by, I decided that I needed to highlight a few of my favorites. I put together this list of just over 50 recipes that I personally loved and am still making to this day. Recipes that can be used and re-used over and over and continue to please the palate of any picky eater. So, if you're ever in a spot where you're ...

50 Gift Ideas for the Keto Cook

50 Gift Ideas for the Keto Cook

Let’s face it. We all have those keto cooks in our life that are hard to give gifts to! I went through all of my kitchen appliances, ingredients, and wish list and came up with an awesome array of gifts for just about every keto-er out there. If you’ve been struggling to decide what to get for your loved keto cook, junior keto cook, or just a friendly keto-cook, then you’re in for an easy holiday season! Oh, and did I mention that all of these ship through Amazon Prime? That means that every ...

Pecan Butter Chia Seed Blondies

Pecan Butter Chia Seed Blondies

A little delicious treat is something that everyone on a ketogenic diet will crave. But, when it comes to the carb counts and fat ratios, we need to make sure everything is in check before we start baking. These blondie squares are 88% calories from fat - just about good enough to be considered a fat bomb. As many of you know, I try to stay clear of the usual "fat bomb" consisting of frozen coconut oil and cocoa powder. You can check out my other "twists" on fat bombs by trying out a chia seed ...