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Coconut cream yogurt (Page 2)

Keto Crepes

Keto Crepes

Crepes are the perfect compromise between a thick, heavy pancake and a thin, soft tortilla. You can eat them by the stack, turn them into a breakfast wrap, or transform them into a uniquely satisfying dessert. However, along with pancakes and tortilla, traditional crepes rely on high-carb flours and sugary additions as well. This is why it’s best to make them yourself to keep your meal keto-friendly as you satisfy your crepe craving. Simply replace the all-purpose flour and sugar for ...

What is the Slow Carb Diet?

What is the Slow Carb Diet?

Like the ketogenic diet, the slow carb diet is based on simple rules and low-carb whole foods that can help promote fat loss and health improvement. Both diets have led to incredible weight loss results of 100 pounds or more. That being said, the slow carb diet sets itself apart from other low-carb diet plans in many ways, including the incorporation of some carb-rich foods and a cheat day once a week. This approach may sound refreshingly easy, and it can be highly effective, but there are ...

The Best (and Worst) Mayo For Keto: Store-Bought Brands, Keto Recipes, and What to Avoid

The Best (and Worst) Mayo For Keto: Store-Bought Brands, Keto Recipes, and What to Avoid

Mayonnaise is arguably the best condiment for the keto diet. Not only does it add a satisfying creaminess to keto-friendly meals, but keto mayo can provide us with a zero-carb source of healthy fats, micronutrients, and antioxidants as well. Unfortunately, not every mayo you find in the store will be optimal for your health. Many mayo products and recipes use unhealthy oils and added sugars, so it is important to be mindful of what you buy (and make) to get the results you want with ...

Keto Indian Food: Guide to Eating Out and Making Your Own

Keto Indian Food: Guide to Eating Out and Making Your Own

Each Indian dish is packed with a diverse array of flavors and textures that are unmatched by other popular cuisines. Though the herbs and spices behind each satisfying bite are keto-friendly, they are usually paired with carb-dense ingredients that can keep us from experiencing the benefits of ketosis.  Fortunately, there are plenty of menu items and keto recipes you can choose from to get your Indian food fix. In this guide, we will dive into the world of keto Indian cuisine so you can ...

The Ketogenic Mediterranean Diet: Optimal Health and Weight Loss

The Ketogenic Mediterranean Diet: Optimal Health and Weight Loss

The Mediterranean diet is widely recognized as being one of the best diets for weight loss and overall health. When compared to a typical western diet filled with processed foods, this plant-based diet is a safe, effective, and reliable bet. However, conservative approaches typically yield moderate results. In contrast, radically unconventional diets have a greater potential to make significant changes — changes that may come with an increased health risk for some. The keto diet is the ...

Keto Diet vs. Atkins Diet: What’s the Difference?

Keto Diet vs. Atkins Diet: What’s the Difference?

The ketogenic diet and the Atkins diet have both helped thousands of people achieve incredible fat loss results and improve health. However, there is much controversy surrounding which approach is best for weight loss, how healthy they are, and how they work. Both diets focus on restricting carbs to lose fat, but the Atkins diet approaches this from a different angle than the keto diet. The hallmark (and benchmark) of the keto diet is sustaining nutritional ketosis, while the Atkins diet ...

Low Carb vs. Keto Diet: What’s the Difference?

Low Carb vs. Keto Diet: What’s the Difference?

There has much been much debate on low carb diets vs keto diets and the differences between the two diets. Low carb diets have been rising in popularity with no signs of dropping off. This is not surprising when you consider the success of thousands and thousands of low carb dieters who have rapidly lost weight and kept it off while improving their overall health at the same time. Even the current literature supports the effectiveness of low carb diets for weight loss and health ...

Foods to Avoid on a Ketogenic Diet: What is Keto-friendly?

Foods to Avoid on a Ketogenic Diet: What is Keto-friendly?

“Is this keto-friendly?” “Can I eat this on keto?” Questions like these are asked on keto diet forums and Facebook groups multiple times a day without a definitive answer. The line between what we should eat and avoid to sustain ketosis gets blurred after we cut out the obvious high-carb foods. To truly figure out what is keto-friendly and what we shouldn’t eat on keto, we must have: (1) a general understanding of foods that are keto-friendly and foods that will almost always kick us ...

50+ Healthy Keto Snacks to Help with Ketosis

50+ Healthy Keto Snacks to Help with Ketosis

One of the most satiating diets is the keto diet. Keto-friendly foods are typically so filling that keto dieters end up eating fewer calories — and, in many cases, fewer meals — throughout the day. This allows them to lose weight sustainably. However, just because you are following keto doesn’t mean that you are immune to hunger and afternoon energy crashes. If you’re not prepared, and the convenience of processed, carb-dense snacks beckons you, you may very well find yourself with a mouthful ...

I’m allergic to [insert food name here], what can I use instead?

The most common keto foods that people are allergic to are dairy, eggs, and nuts. If you are allergic or intolerant to dairy, use these dairy alternatives: Replace Milk with Coconut Milk. In recipes, you can substitute coconut milk in for regular milk in a 1 to 1 ratio. Replace Heavy Cream with Coconut Cream. You may have to blend in a bit of water or skim some water out of the container depending on the creaminess of the coconut cream. Instead of Butter use Coconut Oil or Vegan ...