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Keto pizza crust (Page 6)

Michelle Has Lost 50 Lbs and Counting

Michelle Has Lost 50 Lbs and Counting

About me: my name is Michelle. I'm 30 years old and have struggled with my weight my entire life. Growing up heavy was really hard on me. I was constantly picked on in school for my weight starting at an early age, which had a huge impact on my self esteem. By the time I was in middle school, I had to wear women's clothing and was miserable. I quickly fell into a cycle of eating my sorrows for being picked on, as well as stress eating for comfort when I faced any difficult situation. I will ...

Sue Lost 96 lbs in Six Months

Sue Lost 96 lbs in Six Months

Hi! Here's where I am so far.... I started keto February 12, 2015. At 5'7", I weighed 272, and I am now 176. That's a loss of 96 pounds, and counting, in just over six months! I am thinking 150 will be a good weight for me - We'll see. My weight loss has slowed a bit now. I am going to increase cardio (5k walk/run interval app is my fav), and I will add resistance training, as much as I hate lifting weights! Up to this point, I feel like the diet has been easy and the weight kinda ...

Apple and Ham Flatbread

Apple and Ham Flatbread

This flatbread recipe brings traditional pizza up a notch. The combination of ham and cheese is just as classic as the combination of ham and apples. Put them all together, throw in some red onions, a sprinkle of thyme, and we have a flatbread that you will want to make again and again. The best part about this apple and ham flatbread is the crust. This is not a crust that you will bite into and immediately think it’s low-carb. It is thin and slightly crisp and tastes even better than the ...

Low Carb Cauliflower Mushroom Risotto

Low Carb Cauliflower Mushroom Risotto

Cauliflower is one of the most versatile vegetables on a ketogenic diet, and definitely should be included in every pantry out there. It can get carby when you use a bunch of it, but when you use it as a side item, stuffing, or part of another recipe - it's definitely a bright addition to any dish. Today, we're making cauliflower risotto. I'm sure by now you've tried cauliflower rice and realized that with a bit of TLC, it can be turned into just about anything (pizza crusts, rice, crunch ...

How-To: Bacon Weaving 101

How-To: Bacon Weaving 101

I've had a lot of people asking me to do a tutorial on how to weave bacon. I know the youtube videos go by pretty quick and it might be difficult to see exactly what you need to do. A few recipes I've done so far with a bacon weave include: Low Carb Bacon Wrapped Meatloaf, the beautiful Crispy Stuffed Bacon Baskets, and of course the Cheddar Bacon Explosion. The MOST IMPORTANT part of bacon weaving is the pattern that you weave. Make sure that when you lay your strips, there's ...