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Keto mackerel egg plate (Page 2)

Are Omega-6s Healthy or Unhealthy?

Are Omega-6s Healthy or Unhealthy?

We recently documented the health benefits of eating sufficient omega-3 fatty acids. Oftentimes, researchers discuss omega-3 fatty acids in the context of their counterpart omega-6 fatty acids. News outlets such as authority nutrition state that eating too many omega-6 fatty acids causes health problems ranging from inflammation to heart disease. Additionally, others tout the importance of eating a proper ratio of omega-6/omega-3 fatty acids. But what is the real story behind this ...

Using the Fat Fasting Technique

Using the Fat Fasting Technique

The fat fast is a technique brought by Dr. Atkins' New Diet Revolution - used by people who are metabolically resistant and have trouble with their induction. Let me first say that fat fasting should be used in 2 situations and 2 situations only: Breaking through a 2 week or longer plateau. Inducing yourself into ketosis quicker, whether you are just starting keto or you had a cheat day. It is important to stress that a fat fast should only be followed for a few days maximum as it ...