Staying in ketosis when you're on the go can feel like an obstacle course, especially at Starbucks. Though many of the menu items sound like they may be keto-friendly, their nutrition labels tend to read more like a candy bar than a low-carb beverage. However, this doesn't mean that you have to give up on your favorite Starbucks drinks while you are on the keto diet. Instead, you can be your own at-home barista with the help of our ketoproof coffee options (like our Keto Pumpkin Pie Spice ...
Make sure you get the low down with our guide to keto.
Starbucks Drinks and Hacks for the Keto Diet
- November 4, 2019
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Have Your Coffee Creamer and Stay Keto, Too
When you're on the keto diet, there are a number of familiar foods that you simply have to avoid if you want to continue experiencing rapid weight loss and the health benefits of ketosis. Unfortunately, even one sugary "cheat" can kick you out of ketosis and slow your progress. This is why it is crucial to replace those sugar-filled coffee additions -- such as coffee creamers, milk, and table sugar -- with keto-friendly substitutes and keto coffee creamers that give you all the flavors and ...
- November 4, 2019
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Coconut Flour vs. Almond Flour — Everything You Need to Know
With coconut flour and almond flour, you can make pancakes, cookies, bread, muffins, pizza, and even waffles that are both healthy and delicious. In fact, they are the feature flours for anyone following a ketogenic, paleo, low-carb, or gluten-free diet — allowing us to satisfy almost any craving without slipping back into our old eating habits. As with any food, however, there are some crucial caveats to be aware of before using these flours. After considering these concerns, we find ...
- June 20, 2019
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What is Xanthan Gum? Benefits, Risks, Uses, and Substitutions
While following a low-carb or keto diet, you'll inevitably come across xanthan gum. Its thickening and stabilizing properties make it an excellent substitute for corn starch and gluten in low-carb flours, breads, soups, and sauces. However, before you start experimenting with this common keto staple, it is important to understand what xanthan gum is, common xanthan gum substitutes, its impact on our health, its uses, and how to replace it. This is why we created this comprehensive guide to ...
- June 9, 2019
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What is Guar Gum? Definition, Benefits, Risks, & Uses
Guar gum is typically used as a natural food thickener and binding agent, similar to xanthan gum but with slightly different properties. Despite the stigma surrounding this common keto-friendly additive, guar gum is safe for most people and provides many health benefits when consumed in moderation. However, there are some caveats that are important to understand before you use it or replace it with a suitable substitute. To help clear up any guar gum confusion, we put together a ...
- June 9, 2019
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The Ketogenic Mediterranean Diet: Optimal Health and Weight Loss
The Mediterranean diet is widely recognized as being one of the best diets for weight loss and overall health. When compared to a typical western diet filled with processed foods, this plant-based diet is a safe, effective, and reliable bet. However, conservative approaches typically yield moderate results. In contrast, radically unconventional diets have a greater potential to make significant changes — changes that may come with an increased health risk for some. The keto diet is the ...
- June 9, 2019
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Psyllium Husk: Benefits, Side, Effects, Substitutions & More
Psyllium husk is a healthy source of soluble fiber with a wide range of uses. As a supplement, it is known for its potential to improve gut health and promote weight loss; In clinical settings, it is typically used to treat constipation; and in keto kitchens, its gluten-mimicking properties allow us to make low-carb baked goods with the right texture and flavor. In this guide, we will explore these uses and other topics concerning psyllium husk including: What is psyllium husk? The ...
- June 8, 2019
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What is Monounsaturated Fat? Everything You Need to Know About This Healthy Fat
Of the four types of dietary fat, monounsaturated fat is the only one that isn’t riddled with controversy. Just one search for “healthy fat” will yield thousands of articles recommending the consumption of foods that are high in monounsaturated fats. Regardless of the diet or the person, it seems that this fatty acid is unanimously crowned as being healthy. The same cannot be said for other naturally occurring fats like saturated fats and polyunsaturated fats, which both have research backing ...
- April 3, 2019
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Zero Carb Food List that Keeps Keto and Ketosis Simple
Keeping carbohydrate intake low is the key to keto diet success. When carb intake is too high, we simply cannot enter ketosis and experience the unique benefits of keto. However, this doesn’t mean that you have to rigidly track your carbohydrate intake at all times. In fact, many keto dieters are able to stay in ketosis by using one simple strategy: Eating mostly keto-friendly foods that have little to no net carbs (i.e., digestible carbs that reduce ketone production). Although it may ...
- March 5, 2019
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5 Simple Keto Diet Hacks for Sustainable Weight Loss
A quick search for weight loss tips will yield thousands of options, from fasting to fad diets to keto diet plans. Though these strategies can help us lose weight rapidly, most of them don’t help us keep it off years later. Long-term studies have found that most people struggle to stay on their diet and usually gain the weight back. This is true for every diet from keto to low-fat. So, if another 30-day meal plan, cleanse, or diet is not the answer, then what is? We developed the ...
- January 14, 2019
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