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Keto hot chocolate (Page 7)

Kayla Cote Lost 75 Lbs and Improved Her Acid Reflux

Kayla Cote Lost 75 Lbs and Improved Her Acid Reflux

I have been following and love the website, meal ideas and tips. I even go back sometimes and re-read as a refresher. The longer you are on a "diet" I find you get lazy in a way and need to go back to the basics. I have been on a keto diet for over a year now and have had amazing progress. Just a little background for you, I have had issues with GERD (Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease) since I was 16, over 10 years. Originally I was having trouble breathing when the acid went into my ...

Strawberry Swirl Ice Cream

Strawberry Swirl Ice Cream

With all of the ice cream recipes that have been getting love lately, there's been a rising amount of people that want to make ice cream without a machine. Keto and ice cream go great together - you get a creamy, full bodied flavor with tons of fat and a fraction of the carbs. Tasteaholics have written this guest post, and I was thrilled when they told me about this. A keto ice cream recipe - that needs no machine. Without further ado, here's Vicky and Rami: "Before we began our keto ...

Tracy Jumped Over the 50 Pound Hurdle!

Tracy Jumped Over the 50 Pound Hurdle!

Here's the story of Tracy, another very inspirational story that came across us at Ketogenic Living Facebook Group. Take it away Tracy - thank you for sharing! My name is Tracy Daubert, and I am a 23 year old Early Learning Educator. I can honestly say that I have always struggled with my weight, even in my early years. I remember trying to lose weight even as early as grade 6; I was constantly uncomfortable in my body and had very low self-esteem. That low self-esteem continued well into my ...

Cooking By The RULED Book

Cooking By The RULED Book

Some Recipes Inside * This is for the purchase of the PDF and Kindle digital files. As most of you know, I’m 22 years old. It gets quite expensive/time consuming for me to run the website, buy the ingredients, cook the recipes, photograph everything, and then write all the articles out. So much so, in fact, that I've decided to do this full time! It would be a HUGE help for me if you considered buying it, and I would be enormously ...

Peppermint Frost Breath Mints

Peppermint Frost Breath Mints

About xylitol: 1 cup of xylitol, a sugar alcohol, has 228g carbs, but as humans we don't have the enzymes to process any of the nutrients from xylitol, so it passes through our system. Studies show that blood sugars and ketone levels are not affected by this in humans, but it can cause digestive upset if you are sensitive to sugar alcohols. If you aren't sure how you will react to xylitol, use in moderation. I recommend trying one piece 2-3 times a day, preferably after eating. I have a ...

Fast and Easy Coffee Cubes

Fast and Easy Coffee Cubes

The other day I was running late in the morning and didn't have time to make anything. It really made me re-think what I need to do in emergency situations, so I started to experiment. I like eating something sweet in the morning, so I threw some stuff together. I guessed pretty well because what came out was a rewarding coffee cube! You can add this to your keto butter coffee when you're on the run, or even if you're not. The MCT oil (medium chain triglycerides in the coconut oil) will keep ...