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Keto bacon and eggs plate (Page 2)

Keto Egg Fast: Rules, Recipes, Meal Plan, and Risks

Keto Egg Fast: Rules, Recipes, Meal Plan, and Risks

The keto egg fast is one of the most popular strategies for breaking through weight loss plateaus and accelerating fat loss.  Essentially, it is a short-term keto diet plan centered around eggs, cheese, and butter, with very few exceptions. Though this approach would make old-school cardiologists gasp, there are plenty of low-carb and keto dieters that implemented the egg fast and achieved incredible results. However, this doesn’t answer the most important question: Will the keto egg fast be ...

The Best (and Worst) Mayo For Keto: Store-Bought Brands, Keto Recipes, and What to Avoid

The Best (and Worst) Mayo For Keto: Store-Bought Brands, Keto Recipes, and What to Avoid

Mayonnaise is arguably the best condiment for the keto diet. Not only does it add a satisfying creaminess to keto-friendly meals, but keto mayo can provide us with a zero-carb source of healthy fats, micronutrients, and antioxidants as well. Unfortunately, not every mayo you find in the store will be optimal for your health. Many mayo products and recipes use unhealthy oils and added sugars, so it is important to be mindful of what you buy (and make) to get the results you want with ...

Guide to the Carnivore Diet: Risks, Benefits, Food List, and Keto Meal Plan

Guide to the Carnivore Diet: Risks, Benefits, Food List, and Keto Meal Plan

In stark contrast to veganism, the carnivore diet is composed of exclusively animal products, mainly meat. Though this goes against the common consensus that whole plant foods are healthy, many have experienced miraculous results after going on a 100% carnivore diet meal plan. Unfortunately, these success stories are often followed by an overwhelming amount of misleading information regarding the benefits and risks of eliminating plants from your meals. To help uncover the truth behind ...

The Best & Worst Keto Oils for Cooking, Drizzling, and What to Avoid

The Best & Worst Keto Oils for Cooking, Drizzling, and What to Avoid

All plant-based oils have zero carbs and protein, making them the purest source of fat you can have on the keto diet. However, this doesn’t mean that everything in the cooking oil aisle can be considered as a good "keto oil" for your low-carb lifestyle. Though you can lose fat on keto regardless of what fats you consume, the oils you use will play a crucial role in ensuring optimal health, wellbeing, and sustained ketosis. Since fat will be your primary source of energy, choosing the right ...

Mexican Food on the Keto Diet & Lifestyle

Mexican Food on the Keto Diet & Lifestyle

One of the most rewarding food journeys starts when we skip the tortillas, rice, and beans and dive deeper into the rich world of keto-friendly Mexican cuisine. From the Americanized versions of Tex-Mex, Cal-Mex, and New Mexico-style to authentic metropolitan and coastal Mexican cuisines,  you will find plenty of dishes that are full of flavor and low in carbs. However, it is crucial to be aware of what to eat and avoid before you try to satisfy your craving for these rich and fulfilling ...

Gillian Lost Over 120 Pounds Using Keto

Gillian Lost Over 120 Pounds Using Keto

My name is Gillian Bredenhann and I live in South Africa. I have been obese for most of my life. Approximately 3 years ago, I decided that I was tired of being unhappy. Tired of watching everyone swim in the summer days, but I was obviously self-conscious and not going to get into a bathing costume. Tired of having to buy size 24 clothing. Just plain tired. I weighed 118kg at my highest. Initially, I started by eating low-fat meals, and really just cutting down on all the foods that all of us ...

Dirty, Lazy Keto vs. Clean Keto: Should You Go Clean?

Dirty, Lazy Keto vs. Clean Keto: Should You Go Clean?

We all naturally fall somewhere on the spectrum between squeaky clean keto and dirty lazy keto — even if we aren’t aware of it. The way of eating that you end up following ultimately depends on two crucial factors: (1) how healthy, sustainable, and effective the diet is for you and  (2) the values that drive your decisions (e.g.,  your budget, your health, religious beliefs, environmental/animal welfare concerns, and anything else that you prioritize when making a decision about what to ...

Emily Lost 30 Lbs and Got Her Energy Back

Emily Lost 30 Lbs and Got Her Energy Back

I have been active, involved and passionate about sports since I was young. In high school, I was the first female on the wrestling team and was varsity for three years. I attended wrestling camp in summer, and was given nutrition seminars and taught the food pyramid/low-fat school of thought. It was drilled into my way of thinking that fat is bad...I drank skim milk, ate lean protein like chicken and fish, and deprived myself of lots of junk food that most teenagers eat. Making my weight ...

Our 25 Favorite Keto Chicken Recipes

Our 25 Favorite Keto Chicken Recipes

Chicken dishes are so popular that they are the third most widely consumed food in America, following closely behind grain-based desserts and yeast breads. In other words, chicken is the most widely consumed keto-friendly food in the United States. Most chicken dishes, however, come with a carb-rich side like rice or potatoes or chicken that is breaded with high carb ingredients, making a high-protein keto food into an unhealthy meal. Fortunately, there are many low-carb vegetables and keto ...

Brad Lost 40 Lbs and Reduced Inflammation

Brad Lost 40 Lbs and Reduced Inflammation

I found out about the keto diet after I listened to a podcast with Gary Taubes in January 2017. After reading and listening to everything I could about the keto diet (including finding websites like, I was all in! Here's the thing: at 43 years old, I found myself baffled as to why I couldn't lose weight and keep it off. Like most people, I had tried everything. Well, after 1 full year of living a predominately LCHF diet, I've lost 40 lbs (and kept it off!), no longer suffer from ...