Mike Sheeran Lost 62 Lbs and Is Still Going

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As of right now, I’ve lost 62 lbs while on Keto.

I’m 6’6″ and weighed 353 lbs when I started this journey on May 26th. I got to the point where I was tired of being the weight that I was at and ready to make a change in my life. Thankfully, some of my coworkers were in the same boat so we all pooled some money together & started a weight loss competition. The first month I lost 8.9% of my body weight. I lost to our winner by .2%.

We kept at it each month and finally, last month I won with a 5.14% weight loss.

Mike Sheeran Keto Success Story

For the first time in 7 years, I’m below 300 lbs. I’ve lost 4 inches off my waist and can now wear 2XL shirts. This has been huge for me because the shirts I like to wear don’t have much of a selection at 3XL. My energy levels have increased significantly. I no longer live in a fog. Eating Keto has given me a new lease on life. I’m continuing on trying to hit my goal of fitting in 36″ jeans. Something I have not been at since I was in my early years of college.

To explain the pictures I’ve attached, one is of me at my heaviest. It’s the one with the Blue Shirt & Texans hat. I also attached a picture of the first time I weighed in at under 300 lbs. The last one is a more recent picture of me wearing my new jean size & a 2XL shirt.

The best part of the diet I believe is that many of my favorite things I like to eat are on it. There are days where I miss potatoes or breaded & fried things, but that is becoming less of a problem for me.

Keep at it everybody. This diet works & as long as you maintain the willpower to stick to it, you will loose the weight.

Thank you,

Mike Sheeran